No post today

Now that the summer is over, I’ve been starting to have a bit more work, which is great news, but not so much for the short history series. I plan on keeping this going, but I can only commit for one post a week. So stay tuned on Wednesdays! Also, I wanted to make a short history about the EU, but I had to realise that that’s impossible, and furthermore, simply boring. So instead, next Wednesday I will give you the short history of Albert Einstein. Yay!

The short history of ice cream


Dear friends,

I’m putting the short histories on hold for the month of August, but I will come back in September with new stories of everyday items and how they came to be. In the meantime, you could send me some of your ideas about what to draw next to and also share the website with your friends so that they can learn some *useful* information.

See you in a month!